Frequently Asked Questions


What is Pod Runners Union?

Pod Runners Union is an informal club that was started to celebrate all of the people who help tournament paintball competitors in the pit. All successful teams know that it is not just the competitors on the field during a point who win a tournament, it is the members of the pit crew that enable those competitors to keep their minds on the game, not on their gear, and to perform at the highest level.

How do I join the union?

Send us a photo of pit crew and/or pod runners in action at a tournament, along with your Union Local (i.e., your three-digit phone area code) any information you want us to include (e.g., team name, instagram), and you will be featured as a union member on our Instagram page!

Do I have to buy Swag to join the Union?

Buying swag is not a requirement of union membership, but it does help Union Local 210 Member @papa.sash.pb toward his goal of retiring as a social media influencer!

I don’t run pods! Can I also find strength in union?

Everyone in the pit can join the Union! The name Pod Runners Union was chosen because it sounds better than β€œPit Crew Union.” Try saying it out loud: it just rolls right off the tongue. You do not have to run pods to join the Union! Running pods sucks. Make sure there is some kid in your pit crew who is in good shape and who remembered to bring cleats and goggles. Toss that kid a pod bag and send him out on the field.

Players are also welcome to join the union, especially players who ride the bench and therefore are going to have to pick up pods.

Referees are not allowed to join the union as they throw majors on our teams and make all that hard work in the pit for nothing. Also, it is well known that referees are the biggest offenders in pod-thievery.

What is my Union Local?

Your union local is your three-digit phone number area code e.g., 210 for the San Antonio, TX area. If you are outside the USA or Canada, your Union Local is your entire country.

I need pit crew for a tournament this weekend. Do you have anyone available for hire?

The union does not directly employ pit crew to hire out to teams. However, we are building a network of pit crew through our Instagram page. If you send us information about your requirements, we will send out the word in an Instagram story and help connect you with hard-working union members!

What are the official emoji of Pod Runners Union?
